星期五 10 五月 2024 09:28

2024 SWS國際濕地科學家學會年會11月12~16日,將在台北國際會議中心舉辦

來源Society of Wetland Scientists


My fellow wetland colleagues,

I am excited to see you all in Taiwan for the 2024 Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, which will be co-hosted by the SWS Asia Chapter and the Taiwan Wetland Society. Collaboration with our partners across the globe is more critical today than it has ever been, with increasing threats to wetlands associated with climate change, development, and changing water resource management practices. This meeting is an excellent opportunity to connect with wetland scientists and practitioners from around the world to share our research as well as strategies for applying that research to inform management. The meeting will also feature amazing field trips to some of Taiwan’s most spectacular wetlands. This meeting also represents an important step for the society in building stronger international ties, expanding participation, and broadening our relevance. I hope you will plan to join me for what promises to be an exciting and unique experience.


Eric Stein

2024-2025 President, Society of Wetland Scientists

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